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IP: arcana.titannodes.com

Server name: Arcana Factions

Host location: United States

Server language: English (US)

Server version: 1.12.1 (Support for 1.8 - 1.12.2 is available)


Let me introduce myself; my name is kazdj21, I've been owning servers since 2011 and today, I'd like to share with you a project that I've been working on for a couple of days. The server will be a factions server with a twist: It will feature some aspects that you would find in a modpack, without downloading a modpack! There will be an endless amount of adventure for the player along with raiding other factions across different types of environments. The server will also have a balanced and even playing field as it is, EULA friendly.


4000+ UNIQUE Biomes

3 NEW UPCOMING DIMENSIONS (Currently 1 is available, the Aether, built with a glowstone frame)

500+ CRAFTING RECIPES (Through Slimefun and our own custom recipes soon)

3 NEW BOSSES (Currently 2 are available and are found in naturally occurring special dungeons)

Battle Towers - Spawn in both the Overworld and Aether, 5% chance of spawning, there are three types of battle towers.


GUI Shop

Quests [Not yet implemented]

Revamped Villagers! [Interact with them, marry them, and have children: They are now alive!]

Auction House


Elite leveled Mobs! [Tougher mobs along your journey]

Obsidian Destroyer

Tags: Factions

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